Rewatch - Infosession: (inter)national grants and subsidies within the Arts Decree (English session)
Within the Arts Decree, there are grants that financially support artists and arts organisations to do an (inter)national presentation or residency. Flanders Arts Institute is organising an online infosession on these (inter)national subsidies within the Arts Decree.
Rewatch - Infosession: (inter)national grants and subsidies within the Arts Decree (Dutch session)
Within the Arts Decree, there are grants that financially support artists and arts organisations to do an (inter)national presentation or residency. Flanders Arts Institute is organising an online infosession on these (inter)national subsidies within the Arts Decree.
Save the date - Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session Decision Making
The Landscape Sketch of the Arts is a comprehensive analysis of Flanders' professional arts landscape that Flanders Arts Institute puts together at the start of each new political term. To make sure nothing is overlooked, we organise several sessions throughout 2024 to gather input from the sector, each time focusing on a different part of the arts field.
Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session Decision Making
Give your opinion and engage in a conversation about possible ways to make decisions in the arts sector.
Network event December Dance
Join us at this network event at December Dance
Save the date – Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session Dance
In this session, we delve into how dance as an inclusive practice of care continues to develop, challenging societal norms. Together, we look at what the (new) needs are within the sector, where change is needed, as well as what changes are already in place.
Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session Dance
On December 5, Flanders Arts Institute is organising a session for dance professionals focusing on inclusive dance practices.
Save the date - Landscape Sketch of the Arts session: Early Music
Are you a musician or a programmer at a festival or a concert hall? Do you work for an ensemble, a label or a management office? We would like to hear your voice.
Landscape Sketch of the Arts session: Early Music
Join the conversation and give your opinion on developing and producing early music in Flanders
Open call: join Flanders Arts Institute for a professional media arts meeting in Le Fresnoy – Studio national (Hauts-de-France)
Flanders Arts Institute invites 10 Flemish artists and professionals to participate in the two-day programme with a focus on the intersection between new media, film, visual arts, technology and science in Tourcoing.
Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session reflection in the arts
Reflection is an essential part of a dynamic arts field. On the one hand, we reflect on art – think art criticism, opinion pieces and essays. On the other hand, reflection is one of the functions in the Arts Decree (alongside development, production, presentation and participation): which organisations take on this role, and how do they fulfill it?
Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session from education to the professional field
On 21 November, Flanders Arts Institute invites you to a session on education to the professional field.
Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session Participatory Art
How do artists, art workers and organisations view their role and position in the arts and cultural sector today?
Open call: Join us for the Biennale Chroniques in France!
Flanders Arts Institute, the Department of Culture, Youth and Media and the Diplomatic Representation of Flanders in Paris invite 10 media artists and professionals from Flanders to participate in the opening and professional meetings of Chroniques.
Save the date – Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session Trans- and multidisciplinary arts
On the 7th of November, we will be discussing with transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary artists and professionals: what are the specific challenges and opportunities that they see facing them today?
Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session Trans- and multidisciplinary arts
On the 7th of November, we will be discussing with transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary artists and professionals: what are the specific challenges and opportunities that they see facing them today?
Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session on the ways of production
During this session, we will identify the different ways in which artists and arts organisations develop and produce work.
Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session about transition in the arts sector
This session is about transition and change in the arts. In the arts, we are openly critical of forms of injustice in creations and programmes, but the way work is done is equally exploitative and disruptive.
Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session visual arts
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Landscape Sketch of the Arts session: key moments in artistic careers
On October 16, Kunstenpunt is organising a session for artists that focuses on evolutions and important key moments in their careers.