Rewatch - Infosession: (inter)national grants and subsidies within the Arts Decree (Dutch session)
Within the Arts Decree, there are grants that financially support artists and arts organisations to do an (inter)national presentation or residency. Flanders Arts Institute is organising an online infosession on these (inter)national subsidies within the Arts Decree.
(Inter)national subsidies
Artists or art organisations who have a presentation abroad can apply for a TIP (International Presentation Moment) or IP (International Presentation Project). Artists who will do a residency can apply for a residency grant.
This infosession will take place online via Zoom and is organised by Flanders Arts Institute, together with VI.BE, Cultuurloket and VAi.
14:00 – introduction by Flanders Arts Institute about the three subsidies, and the application via KIOSK
14:30 – webinar budgeting by Cultuurloket
14:50 – Q&A with Flanders Arts Institute, Cultuurloket, VI.BE and VAi
15:30 – end
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More information
Do you need more information, or do you have questions? Contact femke@kunsten.be.
Would you like to follow this session in English? Sign up for the English version here.