INDUSTRY REFLECTION DAYS PERFORMING ARTS: with Landscape Sketch of the Arts sessions
The Industry Reflection Days of Flanders Arts Institute and het TheaterFestival will be a two-day event this year. Give your opinion and exchange ideas about key topics in our performing arts industry. Participate in newly developed activities from our open call (spring 2024): a workshop on democratic decision-making, a session on sharing and reusing technical and building materials, or a workshop about playfulness.
Tell us about burning issues in the performing arts sector. In the afternoon we will organise different discussion tables and we will dive into existing challenges and opportunities
Discover the detailed programme of the industry days via the "programme" tab on top of this web page. Register for the different workshops and sessions in our registration form.
Additional workshop - September 10 - afternoon
(you can register for this activity on the day itself)
SoS - Safer On Stage - how do we go about intimacy coordination within our performing arts sector?
Philine Janssens and Melina Stinson are happy to share their ideas and tell us what they are working on. They are also very keen to hear your feedback. The workshop will be in English and Dutch. There is room for a maximum of 20 participants. The workshop is organised by Sociaal Fonds Podiumkunsten.
Remuneration, thresholds and confidentiality
Flanders Arts Institute and Het TheaterFestival want the voices of creators and art workers to be heard more. For freelance artists and art workers (who are not on the payroll of an arts organisation and for whom participation is therefore unpaid), we provide a per diem volunteer allowance (41,48 euro). You can indicate this in your registration form.
We want to lower any barriers for participants by addressing specific needs and providing the appropriate solutions (physical, language, food preferences or childcare). Let us know how we can accommodate you via the same registration form.
To enable a safe conversation, Flanders Arts Institute and Het TheaterFestival are committed to keeping identifiable statements within the conversation and incorporating these insights anonymously into the report.
Would you like to participate? You can register via the button at the top right.
To register, we ask you to create an account on our website and choose a password (at the ‘Sign up’ button). With your own account, you can always update your details and/or unsubscribe from the event. If you want to register for another event, you obviously do not need to create it again. Having problems creating an acccount? Then send an e-mail to sofia@kunsten.be.
Give your opinion and contribute to the Landscape Sketch of the Arts!
The Landscape Sketch of the Arts is a comprehensive analysis of Flanders' professional arts landscape that Flanders Arts Institute puts together at the start of each new political term. To make sure nothing is overlooked, we organise several sessions throughout 2024 to gather input from the sector, each time focusing on a different part of the arts field.
-> Read more about the Landscape Sketch of the Arts here.