Would you like to apply for a project grant or subsidie within the Arts Decree on 15 September 2024? Do you already have a clear plan but struggle to write out your proposal or do you need a brainstorming partner? Would you like to exchange ideas with fellow artists or experts? Or do you have questions about the KIOSK format?
We assemble a number of artists and art workers with the same goal and deadline to apply for a grant or project subsidy within the Arts Decree. We will also invite some ‘writing and dossier experts’ who will be happy to help find an answer or help think about putting your plans into words.
We will start with the writing table where you can write on your dossier in between expert talks. We will also encourage you to interact with each other.
Prior to the writing session you will receive an email with an overview of the experts present and their expertise. You can sign up for 2-3 interviews with an expert of your choice.
It is important to already have a concrete and clear plan and have approached the necessary partners for your grant or project. The writing tables serve to support you in writing out your dossier, not to concretise your grant or project.
We provide a table, a chair, wifi, coffee and tea. You just make sure to have a clear plan and a laptop.
Where and when?
Tuesday 9 July 13:30 - 17:00 C-mine Genk
in collaboration with Cultuurloket
You can sign up for up to 2 writing tables
Participation is free but places are limited! We therefore ask you to cancel in time if you are unexpectedly unable to come.
To register, we ask you to create an account on our website and choose a password (at the ‘Sign up’ button). With your own account, you can always update your details and/or unsubscribe from the event. If you want to register for another event, you obviously do not need to create it again. Having problems creating an acccount? Then send an email to femke@kunsten.be.
Please note: We can offer advice in English, but your file should be submitted in Dutch, we don’t translate dossiers.
Do you have any questions? Please contact our colleague Femke Hintjens.