Landschap Sketch of the Arts: session Audiovisual, Media - and Sound Art
Do you work in audiovisual, media or sound arts? Let your voice be heard and contribute to Landscape Sketch of the Arts 2025. On May 22, Flanders Arts Institute is hosting a session on audiovisual, media and sound arts. We will explore trends, developments, strengths and opportunities.
Session Audiovisual, Media and Sound art
After introduction and a presentation by Flanders Arts Institute, we will split into three discussion tables by discipline. The discussions will cover these topics:
- the position of audiovisual/media/sound arts in the broader arts field
- fragmentation, alignment and collaboration
- frictions between policy and value frameworks versus other domains
- process-oriented versus product-oriented
- the role of/and relationship with (art) education and training
- recognition, visibility, audience expansion
- and other
These themes come from reports of sessions from past years supplemented by a preliminary discussion with professionals.
13:30 Welcome and coffee
14:00 Introduction and presentation by Flanders Arts Institute
14:30 Discussion table – for each discipline
16:00 Break
16:30 Feedback
17:00 Drinks
Where and when
Wednesday May 22, 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: STUK
To register, we ask you to create an account on our website and choose a password (at the ‘Sign up’ button). With your own account, you can always update your details and/or unsubscribe from the event. If you want to register for another event, you obviously do not need to create it again. Having problems creating an acccount? Then send an e-mail to sofia@kunsten.be.
Plenary sessions in English and discussion tables in Dutch and English.
Bring an artist
Flanders Arts Institute wants the voice of creators to be heard more. For these sessions on the Landscape Sketch of the Arts, we ask that arts organisations allow artist(s) to participate in addition to their own colleagues, with a proper per diem.
For freelance artists who do not join an arts organization, Flanders Arts Institute provides compensation. Please communicate this via the “comment” or “additional information” box during your registration.
Please contact lissa.kinnaer@kunsten.be.
Landscape Sketch of the Arts
Flanders Arts Institute is publishing a Landscape Sketch of the Arts every five years. The document is a strength and weakness analysis of the arts sector. The publication shows current developments in the Flemish arts field in order to support the new cultural policy and the professional field in developing a future strategy for the visual arts, performing arts, music, literature, audiovisual arts, architecture, design and transdisciplinary arts.