Info session grants and project subsidies within the Arts Decree [submission round 15 March 2024]
Will you soon be applying for project subsidy and grants within the Arts Decree? We’ll get you started!
→ The submission deadline for an application within the Arts Decree is 15 March 2024.
Flanders Arts Institute is organising two information sessions for artists, art workers and organisations wishing to apply.
Upon registration, you will receive an information bundle on grants and project subsidies from Flanders Arts Institute and an information booklet on budgeting for project subsidies from Cultuurloket, which are to be read in preparation for this information session.
The info session will continue online via zoom and consists of three parts:
1 – 10am Workshop:
In an interactive way through concrete fictional cases, participants learn the basics of grants and project subsidies. This workshop does not offer customisation for your specific application.
2 – 11:30am Q&A:
During the Q&A, we will take a closer look at grants and project subsidies and you can ask questions live to staff from FAI, VI.BE and VAi.
Important: during this Q&A, the focus will be on content. Business related questions may be asked during the Cultuurloket Q&A.
3 – 2pm Q&A correct budgeting for project subsidies:
Ask all your questions to Cultuurloket about budgeting for project subsidies.
We are also organising a Dutch session on 17 January, click here for more info and to sign up.
In preparation, have a look at the information bundle.
Need more information? Contact our colleague femke@kunsten.be
This information session is in collaboration withVI.BE, Cultuurloket and VAi!