About Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session reflection in the arts


Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session reflection in the arts

Give your opinion and contribute to the Landscape Sketch of the Arts!

The Landscape Sketch of the Arts is a comprehensive analysis of Flanders' professional arts landscape that Flanders Arts Institute puts together at the start of each new political term. To make sure nothing is overlooked, we organise several sessions throughout 2024 to gather input from the sector, each time focusing on a different part of the arts field.

-> Read more about the Landscape Sketch of the Arts here.

Session reflection in the arts

Reflection is an essential part of a dynamic arts field. On the one hand, we reflect on art – think art criticism, opinion pieces and essays. On the other hand, reflection is one of the functions in the Arts Decree (alongside development, production, presentation and participation): which organisations take on this role, and how do they fulfill it?

During this session, we aim to gain insight into the who and what of reflection today. Based on two thematic tables, we will explore the opportunities and challenges facing the sector.

Thematic tables

Table 1 – art criticism

Traditionally, art has been thought and written about. Art criticism is essential in the development of art and its connection to wider society. But who gets (or doesn't get) a voice today, and who is (not) being written about? How accessible is our art criticism, and how evident is this critical depth in our current society? What do new forms of art criticism offer, and how do we reflect on art that challenges traditional frames of reference?

Table 2 – reflection as part of a broader operation

In the context of arts, reflection is usually associated with research and art criticism. However, as an (art) decretal function, it is also taken up by arts organisations that primarily do presentation or production. How do they shape the function of reflection? With what partners, resources and strategies do they do so? What place does reflection occupy in the whole of their operation, and what opportunities and challenges do they see for the future?


12:00 – lunch
13:00 – introduction Landscape Sketch of the arts and session
13:30 – discussion with thematic tables
16:00 – ending with drinks


Would you like to participate? You can register via the button at the top right until November 11.

To register, we ask you to create an account on our website and choose a password (at the ‘Sign up’ button). With your own account, you can always update your details and/or unsubscribe from the event. If you want to register for another event, you obviously do not need to create it again. Having problems creating an acccount? Then send an e-mail to sofia@kunsten.be.


This session is limited to 24 participants. If we receive more than 24 applications, we will make a selection with representation from different profiles and disciplines.

Remuneration, barriers and confidentiality

Flanders Arts Institute wants creators' voices to be heard more. For freelance artists (who are not on the payroll of an arts organisation and for whom participation is therefore unpaid) Flanders Arts Institute provides a volunteer fee. You can indicate this in the registration form. 

Furthermore, we want to help address any barriers for participants, e.g. through hybrid participation for people who have difficulty getting physically on site, food preferences or childcare. Please let us know how we can accommodate you via that same confirmation email.

To enable a safe conversation, Flanders Arts Institute commits to keeping identifiable statements within the conversation and to anonymously incorporate these insights into the final report.

More information

Do you have questions about this session? Contact our colleague Jannis via jannis@kunsten.be


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