Save the date – Landscape Sketch of the Arts: session on the ways of production
Give your opinion and contribute to the Landscape Sketch of the Arts!
The Landscape Sketch of the Arts is a comprehensive analysis of Flanders' professional arts landscape that Flanders Arts Institute puts together at the start of each new political term. To make sure nothing is overlooked, we organise several sessions throughout 2024 to gather input from the sector, each time focusing on a different part of the arts field.
-> Read more about the Landscape Sketch of the Arts here.
Production models today
In this session, we map out the different ways artists and arts organisations develop and produce work.
Flanders Arts Institute organised an open call for suggestions around un(der)exposed themes towards our Landscape Sketch of the Arts. This session was one of the submissions. Check out the other topics we are including in the process here.
Evolution of these models
It is often indicated that the processes of developing, making, producing and presenting as we know them are under pressure. Framing structures are hard to follow, invisible work remains unseen or underappreciated, there is a sense of an overabundance of applicants for a shortage of opportunities, budgets for co-productions in Flanders and across borders are dwindling, and venues do not seem to offer enough space for everything that presents itself. Often, work must also be made quickly, impacting every step of the production value chain: from writing grant applications to completion, and from artistic to production quality.
Without additional resources, it is unclear what can be done about this. Yet we see increasing attention to new and different production models. They intervene in and extend the creation processes, or choose to keep a work available for a longer period. To set up longer tours with more rest days. To create new work at a slower pace, or to once again look for new and additional sources of funding.
We take a close look at the situation, but do not go looking for solutions yet: during this session we try to learn from each other.
For whom
This session is aimed at anyone involved in artistic production processes, regardless of the sector or role you take up in it.
Stay tuned
This session will take place at the end of October. Interested in participating? Then sign up via the button at the top right and leave your name and e-mail address. As soon as the full programme is online, we will send you an e-mail with all the details and a link to register.
Before registering, we ask you to create an account on our website and choose a password (at the "Register" button). With your own account, you can always update your details and/or unsubscribe from the event. If you want to register for another event, you obviously do not need to create it again. Having problems creating an account? Then send an e-mail to sofia@kunsten.be.
More info
Do you have any questions about this session? Contact our colleague Ward Bosmans via ward@kunsten.be.